Tuesday, January 1, 2013

This Thing I Wrote

Can you blame me if I think this thing I wrote
is simply the best thing ever? 
Note the alluring alliteration
and that rhyme in line four -- how clever 

of me to birth it.  To create it. 
To breathe life into dry vowels.
Of a hundred thousand English words
I chose these ones, and made a fresh, whole 

new thing.  For you, and for me
(but maybe mostly for me) to love
and nurture -- and protect and shield --
and maybe show off a bit on my blog,

but not because I'm boasting.  No,
because I'm grateful that it's mine,
Glad that it came out of me and that it
has signs of me all over it.  Do you see

that metaphor?  Precious, yes?  And the 
tender way it points to greater truth?  
I will use it as my Facebook profile, tape
it up for my mom to see and comment

and just adore it.  Because she adores me
and thinks I remind herself of her.

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